Why do people perceive things and judge them in certain ways; what is meant when we say something is beautiful? “What is beauty?” this question is simple and yet a very complex one too. If you look at something like a flower, will the answer to this question change? What makes a flower beautiful? Does the smell, for example a jasmine flower, affect it’s beauty? Is it the fragile nature of the soft pedals that make a flower beautiful? Or the pigment in those pedals? What if the stem makes it beautiful with the intertwining thorns or leaves like a rose bush? Is a flower beautiful because of the things around them that make them stand out, like a water lily in the middle of a pond? Flowers are a lot like how life is. There are smooth nice moments, like soft pedals. But then there are also rough spots in life. The times when things are hard are like the thorns of the flower. With out the rough times the smooth times don’t seem as nice. With out the thorns and pedals don’t seem as nice. Life is a beautiful thing, the hard times and the good times. Everyone has thorns, you may not be able to see those thorns but they are there. Every life is different and complex. Many different events happen to create a life, no two are alike and that makes them unique and beautiful. I find beauty in complexity. Most things are complex. Many things are made up of a lot of smaller parts. Each one of those parts is important and unique. Without all of the intricate parts there wouldn’t be a whole. I enjoy when there are multiple different aspects to flowers, the stem, thorns and soft pedals, as well as the surroundings that work together to create a complex surrounding. Everything is different and complex and that complexity is what makes them beautiful.